New look for SmartHub
SmartHub has a new look. The browser version of SmartHub that you access from a computer or mobile browser has been updated to provide you
The electric bill is the primary point of contact between a member and their cooperative. Knowing what each item in your bill means helps you to be an informed member-consumer.
If you ever have a question about your bill, contact us and we will be happy to assist you.
Click on the blue information (i) icons to learn more about that section of the bill.
The unique number associated with each electric service. One member may have multiple accounts, each with a different account number.
A fixed charge that is collected to pay for fixed expenses. This charge occurs once a month for every meter regardless of the amount of energy used. This is the lowest the bill can ever be.
The date the billing statement was generated.
The date by which the bill must be paid before a late fee is added.
The amount currently applied to the account, above what is owed.
The total charges for this billing period.
The current amount due based on the calculated levelized payment. Only applicable to members on a levelized billing plan.
The amount charged for the largest amount of electricity drawn from the grid by a consumer. Demand is determined by the average kilowatt delivery during the 15-minute period when the consumption of energy is the greatest (peak). Not applicable to residential accounts.
A debit or a credit on each member’s bill that fluctuates to reflect the cost of borrowed money.
A charge based directly on the amount of energy used. It is calculated by multiplying the number of kWh used by the rate per kWh.
A debit or credit on each member’s bill that fluctuates to reflect the market cost of fuel used to produce electricity. Learn more about the energy cost adjustment.
The number of kWh used during this billing period.
In areas where applicable, a city, county, or state tax is calculated for the electricity used on the account.
For payments not received by the next bill date, a late fee of 10% of the first $30.00 and 2% of any balance over $30.00 will be added.
A method of measuring electrical use where the demand exceeds a meter’s measuring capacity. Very large homes or commercial/industrial facilities may have multipliers higher than 1.0.
The unpaid amount from the previous billing period.
A charge applied if the average power factor is less than 97%. Not applicable to residential accounts.
The reading on the meter at the end of this billing period.
The reading on the meter at the beginning of this billing period.
This account’s rate schedule.
Usage is calculated by reading the meter every month
Other charges are calculated as a factor of the number of Kilowatt-hours used
The availability charge is a fixed monthly charge
These charges are added together to get the subtotal
Taxes are calculated and added
Device costs are added (if any)
You are left with the total bill for this billing period.
Under certain conditions, a deposit may be required from new applicants to guarantee payment for the service. If desired, the deposit may be paid in two installments. In lieu of a deposit, the cooperative will accept the written guarantee of a responsible third party or a good payment record for the most recent 12‐month payment record from the previous electric utility. The amount of deposit will not exceed the estimated bill for two average billing periods. The cooperative shall pay simple interest on deposits at a rate set annually by Arkansas Public Service Commission, and such interest shall be credited to the member’s account on the anniversary of the deposit date.
For existing members, if you are late for two consecutive billing periods, or late three billing periods in the last 12 months you will be accessed a $50 deposit. Members who are disconnected for nonpayment will be charged the maximum deposit allowed under the General Service Rules. The total amount of a deposit will not exceed the amount of the member’s two highest bills unless unauthorized use or tampering is involved.
When final discontinuation of service is made by the cooperative, the amount of the deposit plus accrued interest will be credited to the member’s account. A deposit shall automatically be refunded when the member, for a consecutive 12‐month period, has paid all bills by the due date and when no insufficient funds checks have been rendered.
Want to save the paper and receive your bill digitally only? Sign up for paperless billing through your SmartHub account. You can toggle Paperless Billing on and off anytime and your bills will remain available in SmartHub as always.
SmartHub has a new look. The browser version of SmartHub that you access from a computer or mobile browser has been updated to provide you
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