Craighead Electric Cooperative has no control over power outages caused by severe weather; however the frequency and duration of outages can be limited through a vigilant right-of-way program.

Tree trimming, and all phases of right-of-way maintenance, are essential to ensuring reliable electric service. This is particularly true in rural areas where trees and other vegetation are more dense. A major portion of electric interruptions are caused by momentary contact between power lines and tree limbs.

Supplying safe and reliable electric service is a top priority, and our right-of-way maintenance program is vital in helping us meet that commitment to our Members. If you are planning to plant any trees locate the power lines before any digging. Plant trees far enough away so they will not come in contact with the lines.

If you have any questions, please call your local Craighead Electric Cooperative office at 1-800-794-5012 or email us.

Tree Planting Graphic