Read more about the article “Blinks” can signal a properly working electrical system
Microwave with blinking clock

“Blinks” can signal a properly working electrical system

We often hear the question from members “What causes my lights to blink?” The power grid is subject to certain short-term losses of power, and Craighead Electric Cooperative takes all possible measures to prevent these occurrences and minimize their impact on our members.

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Read more about the article A letter from the CEO addressing last night’s rolling blackouts
CECC HQ under snow

A letter from the CEO addressing last night’s rolling blackouts

All, As you know, this historic cold weather event has put a strain on the South’s electric infrastructure. Due to the unavailability of natural gas, some of Arkansas’ gas-fired plants are out of service and others are offline due to emergency repairs. Wind and solar resources are typically unavailable in extreme weather conditions...

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