What is the payback on rooftop solar
NOTE This post is applicable to grandfathered Legacy Net Metered accounts only. × Dismiss this alert. Consumer-owned generation like solar panels is a hot topic
What is net metering?
Net Metering is the billing arrangement through which members with solar panels or other Distributed Energy Resources (DER) are compensated for the energy they export to the grid. Exported energy is purchased by the cooperative at wholesale rates and credited as a line item on the electric bill.
For example: if a member utilizes a grid-tied solar system with no battery storage, energy generated during daylight hours first serves the current loads of the location and any excess is sent to the grid, compensated at wholesale rates. If battery storage is used, then the generated energy can be stored and used to serve the loads of the location at a later time, minimizing what energy is exported.
What must I do to get a net metering facility approved by Craighead Electric?
Before Craighead Electric approves a net metering facility, the following conditions must be met:
If you are considering self-generation with solar, please contact Craighead Electric at 800-794-5012 or email netmetering@craigheadelectric.coop.
How is billing handled with a net metering facility?
What are the net metering installation requirements?
Can I build a solar array or wind farm and sell power to Craighead Electric?
Certification is a lengthy and costly process, and the member should carefully evaluate the economics of the facility before choosing this option over net metering.
Please, e-mail site review request to: netmetering@craigheadelectric.coop
Legacy Net Metering
Net-metered members interconnected before October 2024 are grandfathered under “Legacy” Net Metering rules and receive one-to-one compensation for kilowatt-hours exported to the grid. Excess exported energy is credited as kWh credits into a kWh bank to offset future energy needs. These kWh credits never expire and stay in a kWh bank until used. Stranded credits are paid out at the avoided cost (wholesale) rate. Legacy Net Metered accounts are grandfathered until June 2040 after which they will be converted to non-legacy net metering and compensated at wholesale rates.
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NOTE This post is applicable to grandfathered Legacy Net Metered accounts only. × Dismiss this alert. Consumer-owned generation like solar panels is a hot topic
On October 5th, the Office of Arkansas Attorney General(AG) Tim Griffin sent an enforcement advisory letter to Arkansas solar installation companies. The letter reiterates the
Recent changes in Arkansas law will result in a change to the compensation received by net metered accounts. This will affect current and future solar members differently.
Have you seen these misleading solar advertisements on social media?
Be mindful of what you click on.
Conventional wisdom says that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Yet, every day, solar companies attempt to mislead our members with promises too good to be true.
Solar energy is a great energy source. However, a common-sense approach must be used when confronted with sales presentations that sound too good to be true. Understanding solar quotes can help you to make an informed decision.