Surge Protection Lease Program - Residential

Member Information

Service Address Information

Meter Socket Protector Lease Program

Meter Socket Protector Lease Program: $6.00 per month lease added to your monthly electric bill.

The monthly charge of $6.00 will continue until service is terminated. Member agrees to receive surge protection service for a minimum of 12 months. If prior to the end of the 12 month period the member sells or vacates the premise, or if the name on the account changes, then CECC shall bill the member for the remaining unpaid months.

The TESCO meter socket surge protection device ("MSA") for Residential Members is covered by a manufacturer's limited product warranty and manufacturer's electro-mechanical connected equipment repair/replacement policy. However, the limited warranty and policy will not apply to any equipment that has been repaired or altered by anyone other than the manufacturer. The member agrees not to hold Craighead Electric Cooperative Corporation (CECC) liable against any claims, damages or personal injuries incurred through the use of these devices. 

Other Conditions: 

  • All surge protection devices will remain the property of CECC. 
  • Any surge protection device is not to be removed by the member or any agent acting on their behalf. 
  • The MSA is manufactured with two warning lights that give off a soft glow as an indication that the equipment is operating properly. By signing this agreement, the member agrees to monitor the equipment at the meter base and to notify CECC if the warning lights stop working or if any device defect is suspected. 
  • This surge protection equipment will NOT protect against direct or indirect high-energy lightning strikes beyond the manufacturer's rated energy absorption level. 
  • The meter mounted surge protection device is only PART of a surge protection system and ADDITIONAL in-house surge protection equipment may be required to protect sensitive electronic equipment. 
  • NOT to be used on commercial business or extraordinary home office/business purposes. 
  • By making this surge protection equipment available, CECC is not implying or guaranteeing that the member's electric equipment will NOT be damaged in the future by surges of any kind. 
  • Additional outlet protectors should be installed to protect equipment connected to outside entities (such as telephone, cable/satellite TV) since surges can also enter through these lines.